Fix sticky unread alerts could unexpectedly occur due to (effectively undocumented) 'auto read' functionality in XF2.2
Fix confusion over view_date vs read_date not being correctly used in the expected places
Fix alerts pop-up not respecting "Days to retain viewed alerts in popup" option in all cases
Fix 'mark read' functionality could result in inconsistent view/read date for older alerts near the expiry period
Fix unstaller not correctly removing columns added to xf_user_option
Fix alert summarization/grouping may not trigger when expected
Ensure xf_user_alert.summerize_id column has the same column size as xf_user_alert.alert_id. If alert_id has been to a bigint, this may be an expensive operation;
alter table xf_user_alert modify column summerize_id bigint unsigned default null;
Use index hints to control poor index selection on some installs
Attempt to improve unviewed alert cleanup which can have issues when dealing with very large number of alerts
Improve UI.X compatibility
In Alerts pop-up, do not prevent marking alerts as recently read when they are read in that request
Add various styling options to control alerts styling
Add styling option to control if just-read-alerts from the alerts pop-up are styled as read or unread, and if to fade from unread to read.
Visiting the full alerts page no longer marks alerts as read by default, and removes the relevant per-user option ("Alerts page skips mark read").
Display an font-awesome icon (star with exclamation) on alerts which are unread with auto-read off, rather than a star for recent-ish alerts. With more correct hint text on both