App for Cloudflare®

Add-ons App for Cloudflare® 1.8.8

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The option to Force registration challenge added in version 1.1.1 has been extended to optionally apply to the contact form as well. If you already created the managed challenge for registrations you can click the option again to toggle on/off the contact form option (it will update the existing rule).

Using Cloudflare Workers as an image proxy was added in version 1.1.0. Now you can also use Cloudflare Workers as an unfurl proxy to further hide the origin server's IP address.
  • New User registration option: Registration form is an overlay
  • Added ability to auto-configure Cloudflare firewall filter rule to force new registrations to go through managed challenge (helps mitigate automated spam registrations)
  • Adds 24 solve rate metrics for firewall filter rules (needs new "Zone.Analytics: Read" permission)
IMPORTANT for existing users: The new solve rate metric requires a new permission for the API Token you use. You can go to your Cloudflare API Tokens, edit the token you have and add the Zone.Analytics: Read permission.


  • Ability to use a Cloudflare Worker as a backend image proxy to hide the origin server's IP address when XenForo's image proxy fetches the image
  • Some minor cosmetic tweaks to Cloudflare lists of things in admin area
IMPORTANT for existing users: The setup of the Cloudflare Workers image proxy system requires a new permission for the API Token you use, you can go to your Cloudflare API Tokens, edit the token you have and add the Account.Workers Scripts: Edit permission.

This gives you an easy/fast/reliable/free way to hide your server's origin IP from someone trying to get it for malicious purposes.

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