Change Thread Starter

Add-ons Change Thread Starter 1.0.4

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This add-on is not affiliated with XenForo Ltd.
This add-on adds a permission in the Admin CP that allows you to allow usergroups to "Change thread starter". The permission can be found roughly near the bottom of the General Moderator Permissions group.

Once you grant access to that permission, your staff/moderators will see the following in their Thread Tools menu

Clicking on "Change Thread Starter" brings up this overlay

Once you click Change the following changes happen:
  • The number of Likes received on the post get transferred to the new starter.
  • If the new starter had liked the original starter's thread, this like is removed (you shouldn't be able to like your own posts).
  • The thread starter is changed to the new starter.
  • If there haven't yet been any replies, the last reply user is updated to be the new starter.
  • The message counts are adjusted (existing starter -1, new starter +1)
  • The data is saved
  • The search index is updated accordingly.
With this add-on you can only change the author of one thread at a time.
In future, I may release a full Thread Tools suite that allows bulk changes, changes to the date of the posting and perhaps changes to individual posts too.
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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  1. Change Thread Starter 1.0.4

    Do not adjust the user message count if the thread is in a forum which doesn't count messages.
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