Custom Instagram Feed Pro Developer

WP Plugins Custom Instagram Feed Pro Developer 5.10

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* Tweak: Several performance improvements have been made in this update such as improved caching and fewer database queries when displaying feeds.
* Tweak: The limit of resized, local images created and stored were raised for the overall number and the rate at which they could be created.
* Tweak: Improvements made to hashtag feeds including the ability to display a feed of multiple hashtags even if one has not yet had any posts made to it.
* Tweak: Improved how feed errors are handled and reported. API request delays will only apply to feeds encountering errors and will not affect other feeds.
* Tweak: Added hook for disabling image resizing dynamically with PHP.
* Fix: PHP Warning "required parameter follows optional parameter" that would display when using PHP 8+.
* Fix: GDPR feature was reporting errors when the feature was working fine.
* Fix: When using a hashtag feed and the first image in a carousel post was a video, the image would not always display properly.
* Fix: When using background caching and a hashtag feed, duplicate posts would appear in the feed
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