Dokan - Best Multi Vendor Marketplaces Plugin

WP Plugins Dokan - Best Multi Vendor Marketplaces Plugin 3.3.9

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v3.1.4 Jan 11, 2021

* update: Added disconnect button on dokan admin setting and some issues fixed on vendor analytics
* update: Product add-on module template override does not work
* update: Changed social login sign in URL from dokan_reg to vendor_social_reg on query param
* fix: Import option allows vendors to create categories
* fix: If admin commission for flat type commission is set to zero it was showing not set
* fix: Text-domain missing on confirmation alert
* fix: Default attribute was not displaying when variation product edit form vendor dashboard
* fix: Vendor details admin commission label changed on the admin area
* fix: Fixed vendor staff was not receiving new order email issue
* fix: Fixed Variations was not saving correctly
* fix: Fixed store support form showing wrong with Elementor
* fix: Replaced WP SEO deprecated functions
* fix: Fixed product location mismatch if created from admin
* fix: Vendor verification image breaks after upload and the uploaded file is not accessible
* fix: Auction product SKU is not updating or saving
* fix: Single Product Multiple Vendor redirection for auction and booking type product
* fix: Updated stripe codebase and fixed some issues with Stripe modules
* fix: Responsive dashboard product and order table
* fix: Removed addon validation for Dokan Subscription product
* fix: Vendor updates other vendor product if SKU/ID is same, instead of creating a new product for requesting vendor
* fix: Make product status draft after a vendor/admin immediately cancels their subscriptions
v3.1.3 Dec 20, 2020
- [update] WireCard: Added tax/discount for Vendor Subscriptions, previously only actual product price was sent to API
- [update] WireCard: Added a new exception if vendor account is not linked with wire card, now the user will get proper error messages instead of Something went wrong
- [fix] Refund and announcement listing loading problem and text-domain issue fixed
- [fix] Booking addon options are missing on the Booking type product edit panel
- [fix] Variable product image upload when yoast seo plugin is active
- [fix] Added tax fields for vendor subscription type product, previously users weren't able to select tax for vendor subscription products
- [fix] Translation support for list tables on Dokan admin pages
- [fix] Booking simple product changes to virtual product
- [fix] Fixed Dokan Stripe 3ds recurring issue with vendor subscription products
- [fix] Dokan order discount mismatch when recalculate from admin panel order details page
- [fix] Fixed cart coupon option disabled for multi vendors
- [fix] WireCard: added some new exceptions to display formatted errors to users
- [fix] WireCard: Fixed product pack end date for vendor subscription, previously this was causing subscription to get canceled automatically before subscriptions actual end date
- [fix] WireCard: Fixed decimal issues on product price, this was causing API error due to mismatch order total
- [fix] WireCard: Removed rmccue/requests library from vendor folder, WordPress already has this library pre installed. This was causing a fatal error on some installations
- [fix] Limit your zone selected by default when zone created with a country
- [fix] Disallow direct access vendor verification uploaded documents folder
- [fix] Fixed Dokan Stripe resource missing api error for empty source provided via api call
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