FlyingPress - Taking WordPress To New Heights

WP Plugins FlyingPress - Taking WordPress To New Heights 2.13.1

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Optimize CSS
- Generate critical and used CSS
- Load unused CSS asynchronously/interaction

Font Optimization
- Self-host, inline & combine Google Fonts
- Add fallback fonts while loading (display swap)
- Preload fonts

Page Caching
- Generates static HTML pages
- Preload cache
- Configures Nginx/Apache/LiteSpeed to serve cache
- Preload pages in browser on mouse hover
- Varnish integration

Image Optimization
- Adding missing height and width attributes
- Preload critical images

Defer JavaScript
- Remove render-blocking JavaScripts
- Delay scripts until user interaction
- Fix render-blocking jQuery scripts

Lazy Loading
- Lazy load images & iFrames
- Native or JavaScript lazy loading
- Exclude above fold images
- Lazy load any background images

Minify CSS and JavaScript
- Minify CSS & JS files in the server or via CDN

Database Cleaner
- Delete unnecessary entries and optimize tables
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. FlyingPress v2.13.1

    v2.13.1 - 17 Feb, 2021 - Tweak: Increased user interaction timeout to 10s - Fix: Prevent...
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