[HA] Short URL

Add-ons [HA] Short URL 1.0.2

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1.3 , 1.4 , 1.5
Visible Branding
Some of you, for any reason, prefer to have title (of pages) in url of your xenforo. But also you may think "I wish it was also possible to show the link without the title in order to let users share it". Mostly those of you want it that your language is in UTF-8, so when you copy and paste the url any where, the title in link will be converted to lots of weird characters.

This little add-on lets you show that kind of URL above the thread or even the link of each post above each post (if you want).

Also you can set it to be left or right or center.
You may also change it to set your style using its style properties.
Hope to be useful and you enjoy using it. Donations are always appreciated.

First release
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  1. Version 1.0.2

    Some links edited in option page Add-on also supports XF 1.3 and 1.4
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