NEW Freelancer Demo – includes changes throughout the website (new archive page, add to cart buttons, changed text for the register form / single product, new My Account fields for customers/freelancers, and more);
NEW Added new submenu link to My Account dropdown with “My Public Profile” for clients, only when Freelancer mode is on;
NEW Added “Go to Freelancer Profile” button in the My Account Edit Form for clients, only when Freelancer mode is on;
NEW Freelancers List Template;
NEW Display Header Notice, added before the header and can be customizable with colors, text and a countdown;
NEW Option to disable login/register popup and be redirected to the specific page;
NEW Display Popup – New popup ad customizable from Theme Panel. It has settings for cookies and for the design block;
NEW Header Variant with custom link button set from Theme Panel;
NEW Single product template – made specifically for the Freelancer Demo but be used without it;
NEW Option to add link to an attachment in single product;
NEW iBid is now compatible with Breadcrumb NavXT plugin, for an enhanced Breadcrumbs / SEO Ready Breadcrumbs feature. Install it and it will automatically replace the default breadcrumbs feature.
NEW 3 demos now compatible with Elementor – Automotive, Real Estate and Antiques Collectibles.
FIXED My Account tabs have a separate background when you are on that page to show which is active;
FIXED Issue with breadcrumbs for category products;
IMPROVED Added ajax to the simple register form popup (not for Dokan form);
IMPROVED Added Product Views Counter to the single product pages;
IMPROVED Added option for custom background color for Product Archive/Shop;