Internal Data Check

Add-ons Internal Data Check 1.2

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1.3 , 1.4 , 1.5
Visible Branding
Checks for missing internal data attachment resource.

This add-on is designed to be run occasionally by the admin to verify all attachments have resources in the file system.

(Example of Internal Data Check page)


  • All phrases start with internaldatacheck_ for your convenience
  1. Download and unzip it
  2. Upload the Andy directory to your server, the correct location is library/Andy
  3. From your Admin Control Panel, go to the Install Add-on page
  4. Upload the addon-InternalDataCheck_v1.2.xml file
  5. Click the Install Add-on button
How to use:
  1. Set User Permissions to Allow for the Administrative group.
  2. Set the Post Number End to a number like 500000.
  3. Add 'internaldatacheck' to the end of the URL.
Once you have checked post numbers a certain range of post numbers, continue to adjust the post numbers in the Options page until all posts have been checked.

Questions and Answers:

Q: When I run the add-on, I get a white screen.
A: Set the Post Number End to a lower number in the Options page.

Q: The results show I have some posts with resources missing, what should i do?
A: You have several options, delete the thread, delete the post, edit the post and delete the attachment. You have to decide which is the best option for you in each case.
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. Internal Data Check 1.2

    Internal Data Check v1.2 changes: Added code to remove memory limit.
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