Recent Posts 2 by Siropu

Add-ons Recent Posts 2 by Siropu 2.0.10

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2.0 , 2.1 , 2.2 , 2.3
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A feature rich widget that display recent posts in a block, thread list style (same as forum view).

Widget features
  1. Display recent, unread or watched threads
  2. Display threads of current visitor
  3. Set maximum entries to display
  4. Display entries within the last x days
  5. Exclude certain forums
  6. Include only certain forums
  7. Exclude certain prefixes
  8. Include only certain prefixes
  9. Exclude certain threads
  10. Include only certain threads
  11. Make certain threads "sticky" at the top of the list
  12. Set thread title length
  13. Show/hide forum name
  14. Show/hide thread prefix
  15. Show/hide thread stats
  16. Show/hide thread creation date
  17. Show/hide thread author username
  18. Show/hide thread pagination
  19. Show/hide user avatar
  20. Enable rich usernames
  21. Enable post preview tooltip
  22. Enable post excerpt
  23. Enable inline moderation
  24. Highlight unread posts
  25. Link thread to first unread post
  26. Enable "Show more" button
  27. Enable scrollbar if content height is over x pixels
  28. Sidebar mode
  29. Global user group permission to view widget

First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Recent Posts 2 by Siropu 2.0.10

    Added a new widget option called "Link thread to last post" and it can be combined with "Link...
  2. Improvements & Bug Fixes

    Added filters to choose what to display: latest, unread or watched threads. Added option to show...
  3. New widget option

    Added a new widget option that allows you to display avatar for the last poster. It is disabled...

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