Improvement: Header – Nav element, added support to choose using an Offcanvas global section (rather than the default menu);
Improvement: Toggle Boxes, added control to add a custom string to compare with current url for maintaining an active state;
Improvement: Product page’s gallery, added option to hover thumbnails and open image;
Improvement: Product page’s mobile gallery, disabled thumbnails if only a single image is published;
Improvement: Menu element, added new skin to display Product tags either normally or dynamically based on common shared posts (attributes, categories etc.).
Improvement: Section as modal, added max. height control;
Improvement: Added option to hide prices for logged out visitors;
Improvement: Header – Currency switcher element, added support for WCML;
Improvement: Language switcher element, added support for Gtranslate plugin;
Improvement: Added buttons into Checkout order confirmation page (Review orders and Continue shopping);
Fix: Menu element, Vertical sub-menu styles, fixed mobile swipe when going back;
Fix: Price slider filtering when having currency;
Fix: Loading issues with Javascript deferred;
Fix: Sometimes load-more products returns wrong results when having product grid in Cover;
Fix: Color pickers in Customizer;
Fix: Filters, on deepest category, show siblings;
Fix: Custom Checkout layout, not showing shipping cost when Billing form is set first;
Fix: Catalog teasers, issues when there are multiple items;
Fix: Sometimes menu items in mobile submenus now showing up;
Fix: Temporary fix to show “Terms and conditions” fields in Customizer > Checkout, until the bug is fixed in WooCommerce