v2.3.7 - 15-03-2021
* Update - Typography 2.0 filter support.
* Tweak - Better PDP info bar styling when long strings are present.
* Tweak - Improved WooCommerce Bundle styling.
* Tweak - Improved WooCommerce Request a quote styling
v2.3.6 - 04-03-2021
* Fix - Elementor Pro can now overwrite the 404 template.
* Fix - variable_id PHP warning.
* Update - Languages pot file updated with additional strings.
* Tweak - RTL vertical gallery layout.
v2.3.5 - 18-02-2021
* Fix - PHP error if WC is deactivated.
* Fix - PDP Ajax add to cart for external products functionality improved.
* Tweak - Variations tick icon JS now correctly displays when a variation is selected.
* Tweak - Small adjustment to the open sidebar cart vanilla JS.
* Tweak - Germanized plugin can now update variation prices dynamically.
* Tweak - <select> font display improvement in Firefox for Windows
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