SmartMag - Responsive & Retina WordPress Magazine

WP Theme SmartMag - Responsive & Retina WordPress Magazine 5.0.4

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v5.0.0 - February 24, 2021
IMPORTANT: This a major update, please read before updating:

- Our biggest update yet. Massive number of features, and full rewrite with backward compatibility.
- 5+ New Demos.
- New Supercharged Elementor Pagebuilder with our unique magic.
- 60+ importable blocks/sections via Smart Studio.
- Live Customizer with thousands of settings. Instantly preview customizations.
- Unique Dark Mode with header switcher and color customization options for dark mode.
- Re-designed/polished most elements to be modern.
- Much of legacy JS rewritten for performance.
- Added: 3 new single post styles with countless variations.
- Added: Beautiful Newsletter Subscribe widgets and blocks.
- Added: 9 Smart Flexible base blocks with ability to create countless variations.
- Added: Full Gutenberg / new WordPress Editor integration.
- Added: 7 new Block Heading styles with infinite customization options.
- Added: Autoload Next Post for single page with Google Ads and Analytics support.
- Added: One-click demo import for all demos.
- Added: Smart Studio - Premade homes, sections, and blocks for page builder.
- Added: Unique variations for Gutenberg blocks such as quotes, pullquotes, separator.
- Added: Sticky/Floating social share with 4 design styles.
- Added: Smart Image System that relies on only 3 additional image sizes now.
- Added: Heading styles for sidebar, footer widgets, and single post sections.
- Added: Estimate post read time for post meta - usable in all blocks and listings.
- Added: "Updated Date" in post meta of single posts for SEO benefits.
- Added: Social sharing buttons above the post and new social networks options.
- Added: Login / Register Modal with WordPress Social Login plugin support.
- Added: Flexible Post Meta. Move and enable / disable items as you like.
- Added: Smart Headers - 10 Presets and 9+ elements to build your own main and mobile header.
- Added: 2 new Mega Menu styles.
- Added: Bunyad AMP Plugin. Makes your amp version look the same as non-amp.
- Added: New page layouts and settings.
- Added: Off-canvas menu for desktops and mobiles with widgets support.
- Added: Load more pagination type and updated pagination designs.
- Added: Built-in Lazyload feature for images and iframes.
- Added: 9 Featured Area grids that are customizable and also be used as Slider.
- Added: Image Aspect Ratio selection (or custom) for all blocks and listings.
- Added: A migrator and converter for conversion from older versions.
- Added: New Ads widget with AMP code and devices support.
- Added: Modern Lightbox for galleries and linked images in single posts.
- Added: Full-page overlay modern search with customization options.
- Added: Responsiveness and mobile layout has been redone for modern devices.
- Added: New Bold Footer style.
- Added: Option to enable/disable FontAwesome (not needed anymore).
- Added: Enable/disable legacy theme features.
- Added: Add subtitles to Single Posts.
- Added: Options to customize Single Post
- Added: Option to have a Comments show/hide button toggle. Works great with Autoload next post.
- Added: Customization options for all header elements.
- Added: Mobile header can be customized separately.
- Added: More options for Related Post sources.
- Added: Footer colors and fonts customization options.
- Added: New breadcrumbs style and customization features.
- Added: Ability to show/hide breadcrumbs on archives, pages etc.
- Added: Advertisements and Custom Codes system. Insert ads before/after header, before/after single post content, footer etc.
- Added: Many more Featured Area styles for categories.
- Added: Full-width header options and styles.
- Added: Customizations for main layout such as Site Width.
- Added: Unique Core performance options such as preload.
- Added: 4 New Social Follow & Counters Widget Styles. And customization options.
- Added: Performance & Speed guide in documentation.
- Added: Unique Section Query feature to use same query for all blocks in a section.
- Added: Column options for footer widgets and improved custom layout.
- Added: Category labels customization and position options.
- Added: Full PHP 7.4+ compatibility.
- Added: New Powerful Latest Posts widget.
- Added: Grid, Highlights and Overlay block as widget.
- Added: Features to select layouts for other archives like author, search.
- Added: Option to add gradients to header background.
- Added: Fully tested compatibility with cache plugins.
- Added: Lightbox compatibility for mobile devices.
- Added: Customization options for all listing styles.
- Added: Enable/disable layout element such as read more on listings.
- Added: Customize text for 404 Pages.
- Added: New Post Format overlay styles in listings with size customization.
- Added: 2 columns support for social followers widget.
- Added: Contrast scheme support for blocks, when using on dark bg.
- Added: Reviews style in listings radial overlay, bars, or stars in meta.
- Added: Over 1000 theme settings options.
- Updated: Reviews schema updated with latest Google specs.
- Updated: CSS generation system with cache for better performance.
- Updated: Options system updated for less memory usage.
- Updated: Infinite scroll rewritten for performance.
- Updated: Google fonts to include many new fonts.
- Updated: New social services added and outdated removed in all areas.
- Updated: Footer copyright is now in Customizer with current year display support.
- Updated: Easy social settings in Customizer now, previously in header widget areas.
- Updated: Sticky header updated with smart scroll intent detection and option to select the row to make sticky.
- Updated: WooCommerce integration and styles for the latest version.
- Updated: bbPress design polished and improved compatibility.
- Countless bugs fixes and design tweaks. Tested and improved for modern browsers.
- Over 2000 hours of work done, and thousands of improvements on this release. This isn't a full list.
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