Steam Authentication & Integration

Add-ons Steam Authentication & Integration 1.6.3

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Steam Authentication Version 1.4 and 1.5 is compatible with Xenforo 1.3.x and 1.4.x! (No longer supported once XenForo 1.5 is released)

Authenticate to your XenForo forum with Steam! Steam Authentication & Integration allows new and existing users to establish accounts via their Steam accounts using the Steam Web API. There are additional features such as: Steam statistics for your users; Generate notices for users based on steam data (ex. notices for people who own a specific game); Create trophies based on steam data (ex. trophy for associating a steam account to your xenforo account). Best of all, there are no template edits required!

This addon is a continuation of the original Steam Authentication & Integration addon created by Morgan. If you have this version installed already, you can upgrade to this addon without the need to re-install. Just follow the upgrade steps below.
  • Table Of Contents
1. Features
2. Requirements
3. Installation Steps
4. Upgrade Steps
5. Configuration
6. Roadmap
7. Troubleshooting
8. Known Issues / Fixes
9. Additional Information

First release
Last update
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  1. 1.6.3

    Fixed name
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