TranslatePress Pro - WordPress Translation Plugin That Anyone Can Use

WP Plugins TranslatePress Pro - WordPress Translation Plugin That Anyone Can Use 1.9.6 + Addons

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* Adding missing Uruguay flag
* Improved security for dynamic translations
* Disable automatic language redirect when editing a page with Oxygen or Beaver Builder
* Fixed cases of missing table sql errors
* Fixed sql error for some MariaDB setups due to deprecated syntax
* Fixed some issues with Exclude certain paths functionality

* Added setting that allows you to translate only certain paths or exclude certain paths from being translated.
* Fixed some cases where GET parameters were lost from links in translated languages
* WP Bakery integration that allow to include/exclude blocks for languages
* Added a compatibility for the MyListing theme.
* Load unsupported languages section only if an API key is saved.
* Add support for AIO SEO sitemap detection
* Updated DOM parser to version 1.9.1, this should fix a bunch of broken HTML issues
* Fixed a case in Woocommerce where slugs weren't translated from the seo-pack addon
* Fixed share link in Elementor blockquote Tweet button
* Fixed a possible issue with the search parameter being un-slashed
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