
IPS Suite Villain 4.7.2

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About This File​

Villain is a dark, semi-transparent dark skin which includes a simple background picker allowing your members to choose their own image from a preset array of high quality background images. Perfect for any community, and especially great for gaming forums or site who want to offer customization options to their members!

Villain was last updated on September 14, 2022 and is compatible with the latest version of Invision Community 4.7, including all official Invision addons. Please upgrade to the latest version of Invision Community before installing this theme.


Use Villain 4.7.0 for IPS 4.7.0
Use Villain 4.7.1 for IPS 4.7.1
and use Villain 4.7.2 for IPS, 4.7.3 and 4.7.4

There will be a warning when upgrading 4.7.4 which says that an upgrade is required for:

core > front > global > globalTemplate

While this is technically true (and usually warnings like this are valid and should be followed), it's safe to ignore for this update only. The code change simply involves removing a reference to an empty template file which isn't quite worthy of a new template update.

So just this once, you may safely ignore the warning and proceed with your upgrade!
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Latest updates

  1. See description

    Upgraded for Invision Community 4.7.2
  2. See description

    Released October 4 Upgraded for 4.7.1 compatibility (including new search menu...
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