XenForo Lite -- Alternadiv

XF2 Style XenForo Lite -- Alternadiv 1.1.2

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alt⟨div⟩ -- peculiar, retro, and other niche XenForo styles​

Alternadiv.com is where I make unusual XenForo styles that no one asked for. I do it because I enjoy experimenting with HTML/CSS/customizing XF, and also because I miss 2000s-era web design aesthetics.

This is one of those styles...

faux⟨archive⟩ ?​

Faux Archive is, well... an archive mode for XenForo. I consider it faux (a lookalike) because it uses only CSS to achieve the archive vibe, as opposed to actually editing core files to create a true archive.

Forum ListForum ViewThread View
Forum List - Faux Archive.pngForum View - Faux Archive.pngThread View - Faux Archive.png


Because Faux Archive uses only CSS, there are no template edits aside from extra.less. This makes it easy to show/hide elements according to your needs.

Out of the box, archive is pretty archive'd up. Almost everything is removed from view but you can quickly show or hide elements by adding or removing them to my class list in extra.less.

By default, I have it set to hide almost everything, showing only:

  • breadcrumbs
  • page title
  • page navigation
  • node title
  • thread title
  • thread navigation
  • message author username
  • message content
  • BB code in message content
  • footer style chooser
  • footer copyright
Other than that, everything is hidden and usernames are not clickable. If you want to, you can easily add elements back, including the ability to create posts.


Faux Archive works best on the following pages:

  • forum list
  • forum view
  • all node types (discussion, questions, suggestions, search, article, page)
  • all article node layouts
  • all thread types (discussion, poll, question, suggestion, article, custom thread fields, prefixed threads)
Faux Archive is not intended for pages like: account details, members list, what's new, etc.

If you have widgets positioned above or below the forum list, thread list, or inside threads, you would need to add extra CSS to hide those by their widget ID. If you have widgets in the header, sidenav, sidebar, or footer, those are hidden by default.


That's all! Let me know if you need help hiding or showing something.


First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Latest updates

  1. 1.1.2 - Quick fix

    Fixed a mistake I just made with the last file I uploaded
  2. 1.1.0 - Multiple updates

    hanged name from "XenForo Archive Mode" to "XenForo Lite" Moved around some CSS for easier...
  3. Added CSS and live demo

    Added CSS to hide notices Added CSS to hide all widgets at once Added link to live demo...
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