
  1. wikislo

    Add-ons [XenAddons] Use Blogs System 2.2.29

    UBS is a User Blogs System addon designed for forum owners to provide an interface for their members to add their own Blogs and draft/publish Blog Entries within those blogs.
  2. rajeshalda

    Request [OzzModz] Lessons 2.0.0

    Can you provide this add-ons
  3. O

    Request Lua syntax for code blocks I can't download here
  4. REV-9

    Add-ons [25517] Paid change username 1.0.0

    Allows you to make a paid username change.
  5. REV-9

    Add-ons Lolz Style Login Form 1.0.1

    Creates authorization and registration in the forum style.
  6. Jonnyrock

    Request Postbit Start Conversation 1.0

    Hi i need add ons can i get in xenforo ir ? What does the Postbit Start Conversation plugin do? With this plugin, it adds an icon to the postbit part of the topic to start a conversation with the person. Plugin Features: Easily change icons.
  7. Jonnyrock

    Request Postbit Last Seen 1.0

    Hi What does the Postbit Last Seen plugin do? With this plugin, it adds the last seen (last active time) of the person to the postbit part in the subject. Can i get the add on?
  8. WinSys32

    Add-ons NS - Admin Options 1.0.1

    Hi All, Self made addon again! This addon shows a variety of options to manage your admin area. Please be aware that we are in the beginning of this project, so if you have any idea's please let me know :) Greetz!
  9. WinSys32

    Add-ons NS - Remove Copyright 1.0.1

    Hi All, I recently started creating my own addons ! This will be my first release of an addon, so please let me know what you think from the addon and I'm always happy to receive feedback or ideas. Also let me know if you are going to use it ! :) First Release: Addon: NS - Copyright Remover...
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