
  1. Marks-Man

    Add-ons XnForo.IR Dark AdminCP Style + Sticky Navigation Bar 1.0.1

    I did it for myself, but maybe someone else will come in handy, who spends a lot of time in the admin panel, editing templates. This plugin converts the control panel to a dark style. The plugin has color settings. Also, a separate setting was made for the design of the template editor...
  2. XenForo

    XF2 Style Vertiforo 2.3.4d

    Full responsive Dark & Orange colors (default). Custom colors for main color area Nodes custom backgrounds in forum edit Header editable in admin panel Custom footer editable in admin panel Slider panel Announcements panel Sticky sidebar option Collapsable categories Custom blocks display panel...
  3. duppy

    Request Nerva Theme

    It's not a rush, but I just found these themes very cool and would love to get them one day. I know I requested one earlier on, but these are just two that really stood out while browsing. :) https://demo.xentr.net/themes.php?theme=Nerva-Dark and I would love to see this one updated to 2.2.x...
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