XF 2.4 Add-on update notifications

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Welcome to the first "Have you seen...?" post for XenForo 2.4! As we discussed a couple of months ago, XenForo 2.4 will focus mainly on quality-of-life improvements for admins, moderators and users, and today's first look at our next version absolutely ticks that box.
Occasionally the inspiration for new features doesn't solely come from the suggestions forum and at times we sit up and take notice of what is popular in the Resource Manager. In this particular case, the Add-on update notifier by @mazzly caught our attention as not only being widely sought after but also currently one of the highest rated resources so it appears to fill a need for enough of you that we decided to bring it to everyone.


Once we roll out XenForo 2.4 here, resource authors will find that we have added a new field to resources in add-on categories that will allow you to fill in your add-on ID. When you install XenForo 2.4 on your own forums, your forum will now periodically call back to XF.com with a list of your installed add-ons and their versions and report back with the latest version available in the Resource Manager. Where there is an update available, as demonstrated above, this will be indicated in your add-ons list.

Update checking can be enabled under "Basic board options".

Subject to time constraints, we are looking to add the following additional functionality either before or shortly after the release of XenForo 2.4:
  • Improved notifications
  • Custom update checking URLs for developers to populate in their addon.json file so if the canonical source of your add-on is on your own website, we can request version details from there rather than our resource manager
  • One-click install of upgrades (for free add-ons)
We hope you've enjoyed this first look at improvements to managing your add-ons in XenForo 2.4. As ever, please create a new suggestion if you have any specific ideas for improvements beyond what is mentioned above.

To reiterate our previous comments, the release of these "Have you seen...?" posts will be somewhat sporadic over the coming weeks. We're aiming to get these updates out to you as they happen rather than waiting for the majority of XenForo 2.4 to be complete. But, as it happens, the next one isn't too far away :)

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    add-on update notifications xenforo add-on update notifications
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