Hi again, I think/believe it may depend on your styles Anyone can correct me if wrong, but this can be found in most styles settings but not sure if in ALL styles.
Hi again, I think/believe it may depend on your styles Anyone can correct me if wrong, but this can be found in most styles settings but not sure if in ALL styles.
Yep, It's been a while but after a quick google search the one I had was Exclusive Light and Dark style, I think my version now is old and out-dated and was for XF v2.2.6
I have provided a link HERE - you can read and learn more. But I am sure xf must have more styles that welcome message is possible. check xenforo web site (as a guest)
(see attachments)
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Remember if you get this style or any other new styles - SHARE it with others here on xnforo.ir