JetSmartFilters for Elementor WordPress Plugin

WP Plugins JetSmartFilters for Elementor WordPress Plugin 2.2.2

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XenForo submitted a new resource:

JetSmartFilters for Elementor WordPress Plugin - Download Plugin Premium Nulled Plugin

While creating post and product archive pages, there is no way you can do without filters. An ability to filter WooCommerce products by different criteria, apply several criteria at once for the custom posts or products, is the magic key that allows the visitors find the necessary information, or make a choice towards one of the products and make a purchase.

The easier and faster the visitor...

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XenForo updated JetSmartFilters for Elementor WordPress Plugin with a new update entry:

JetSmartFilters v2.2.0

## 2.2.0
* ADD: URL Structure Settings (Plain/Permalink)
* ADD: JetTabs ajax load template compatibility
* ADD: Hamburger Panel ajax load template compatibility
* ADD: Hide elementor widget container if all items are hidden by indexer
* ADD: Date period datepicker button text
* ADD: ePro Posts skin full content support
* FIX: Visual filter options list value
* FIX: Checkbox filter MORE/LESS ignore the item if it was hidden by the indexer as empty
* FIX: remove strip slashes on...

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    jetsmartfilters for elementor wordpress plugin 2.2.2
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