[RSS Feed/News] Oops! We ran into some problems – 403 error

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When I try to save the code I get the following message:

Oops! We ran into some problems.

I've checked the browser console and it's a 403 error.

Screenshot_2021-03-25 Edit template post_macros Varasija Taloudellisten syiden uhrit - Admin c...png

I read the amazing instructions @Brogan gave to us who are dealing with this error message:


XF 2.2 - Oops! We ran into some problems. Please try again later. More error details may be in the browser console.

This comes up time and time again so a sticky thread is in order. If you encounter this error message and you are using a computer (rather than a mobile device), access the browser console (F12 if using Windows / Chrome). Select the Console tab and there should be an error message displayed...

So I did what the thread suggested me to do – I contacted...

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