Support Put widget above the forum


None of the options in "display in positions" do what I need. I am looking to put a widget on top of a specific forum. I have read that I have to use the <xf: widget key = "widget_key" /> syntax. But I don't know where to put that code or what to put for the effect I need.
In my case it should be like this: <xf:widget key="WidgetForum22" /> But where do I put this and how do I specify the position?

I'm looking for it to look like this:


If it's not widget specific content, you can also use the advertising position Thread view: Above message list
There is a position for widgets here : Thread View : above messages you can also manually display a widget using his XF syntax, like this
<xf:widget key="id_of_your_widget" />


Thanks for the reply!
If it's not widget specific content, you can also use the advertising position Thread view: Above message list

Like I said, it's on a specific forum, so that doesn't work for me ...
There is a position for widgets here : Thread View : above messages

I tried it, but this shows it in the posts and I need it to appear in the forum.
you can also manually display a widget using his XF syntax, like this
<xf:widget key="id_of_your_widget" />

Yes, it is the same code I put in, but I don't know where to enter that code or how to specify the position. I think using the syntax is my solution, but I don't know how I should use it... 😕
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