[TaylorJ] Blogs

Add-ons [TaylorJ] Blogs 1.2.3

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XenForo updated [TaylorJ] Blogs with a new update entry:

[TaylorJ] Blogs 1.1.0

New Features:
  • Approval Queue - Both blogs and blog posts can now be required to be approved before being visible to the public, until approved they may only be visible to the blog owner and staff. There are two different ways to require blog post approval, either in the addon's settings page or as a user group permission.
  • Tags - Blog posts can now have tags added to them! Tags will be the main way to handle "categories" for the foreseeable future. Tagging must be enabled...

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XenForo updated [TaylorJ] Blogs with a new update entry:

[TaylorJ] Blogs 1.2.0

New features:
  • Better blog post comments handling - Comments now have a global toggle. If turned on new blog posts will be created with comment threads, if turned off no comment threads will be created. Any blog posts with comment threads before the option is turned off will keep their threads/comments.
  • Blog creation limit - Is now handled by a user group permission rather than a global addon setting. Admins can now set a limit based on a users group to better accommodate for...

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  • Tags
    [taylorj] blogs 1.0.0 [taylorj] blogs 1.0.0 beta 7 hotfix 1 [taylorj] blogs 1.0.0 beta 8 [taylorj] blogs 1.0.0 beta 8 hotfix 2 [taylorj] blogs 1.0.0 release candidate 1 [taylorj] blogs 1.0.0 release candidate 2 [taylorj] blogs 1.1.0 [taylorj] blogs 1.1.1 [taylorj] blogs 1.2.0 [taylorj] blogs 1.2.1 [taylorj] blogs 1.2.2 [taylorj] blogs 1.2.3
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