[AddonsLab] Unread Post Count

Add-ons [AddonsLab] Unread Post Count 1.6.0

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Compatible XF Versions
2.0 , 2.1 , 2.2
Visible Branding

Any other navigation tab can show the number of unread posts by configuring it to use a callback for the badge with class name "AL\UnreadPostCount\Callback" and method "getUnreadPostCount". This is the default setup for "What's New" button after add-on installation.

The badge is added using default XenForo 2.x layout/styling, but it can be easily styled for each case using CSS only by using "nav{navigationItemIdHere}" class. For example:

.customBadgeContainer.navwhatsNew:after {
top: -10px;

will make the badge in What's New tab to be on the top-right corner.

The product is free and does not include any licensing code or any callbacks.

Feel free to suggest further enhancements for the add-on or report any issues you have and they will be addressed asap.

Please consider posting a review if you are using the add-on and let us and other users know how it works for you.

Thank you!
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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Latest updates

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    The package optimizes the query for fetching unread posts as recommended by @XFA As we already...
  2. Rebuild expired cache on fly

    This release resolves an issue with the expired cache not being rebuilt on the fly. Now the...
  3. Node permission support

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