Advanced Styling Rules for XF1

Add-ons Advanced Styling Rules for XF1 1.0.4

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- You may find it useful if:
  • you have any site locations (like often visited/popular threads) that could get some extra love
  • you need to apply different styles for different devices and/or systems
  • you own more than one domain that points to one XenForo installation and could use different styles for each one (please make sure you don't violate the terms in the XenForo License Agreement)
  • you are a style designer who likes the idea of displaying sneak peaks from your alpha/beta-stage designs (something that could possibly result in valuable feedback)
  • you would like to display custom pages/messages/advertisments for specific search terms


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Latest updates

  1. Advanced Styling Rules for XF1 1.0.4

    Updated MooTools to the latest version. Fixed a fatal bug. Open sourced (GPL-3).
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