[Andrew] Moderator Panel

Add-ons [Andrew] Moderator Panel 1.9.4

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ADDED: Moderator tools option for moderators to add or remove users from user groups
ADDED: Admin option to select which secondary user groups are available to be added or removed
ADDED: Admin option to prevent "is staff" from having their user groups updated
ADDED: Admin option to prevent "is moderator" from having their user groups updated
ADDED: User group editing to the protected users system
ADDED: Edit to user notes
ADDED: Add admin search options to user file search
ADDED: Edit own user note permission
ADDED: Edit other user note permission
ADDED: Permission to Delete own user note
ADDED: Permission to Delete other user note
ADDED: Permission to update user group
ADDED: Permission to update user group for protected users
ADDED: Permission to search by user group
ADDED: Permission to search by registered date
ADDED: Permission to search by last visited between
ADDED: Permission to search by message count
ADDED: Permission to search by question solved between
ADDED: Permission to search by trophy points between
ADDED: Permission to search by Reaction score between
ADDED: Permission to search by user state
ADDED: Permission to search by security lock
ADDED: Permission to search by banned state
ADDED: Permission to search by discouragement state
ADDED: Permission to searhc by Staff state
ADDED: Permission to serach by activity summary email
ADDED: Permission to search by custom fields
REMOVED: Permission to Delete user note
FIXED: Removed "Moderate" option under moderator tools when the moderated user group has not been configured
FIXED: Updated action to pass an error when action to moderate user is used and moderated user group has not been configured
FIXED: User search in the moderator panel would break after page one
FIXED: Reports were showing in ascending order on the user file
  • FIXED: Issue with setup file when upgrading from 1.6.0 or 1.6.1
  • FIXED: Removed unnecessary / and the end of <a> online 391 of andrew_moderatorpanel_macros

  • ADDED: View warnings given by thread
  • ADDED: Rebuild thread warnings
  • ADDED: Permissions to View Thread Warnings
  • ADDED: Force ignore one user to another
  • ADDED: Force ignore report
  • ADDED: Permission to force ignore users
  • ADDED: Permission to view force ignored users
  • ADDED: Search user by email address
  • FIXED: Spelling error in andrew_moderatorpanel_remove_moderation
  • FIXED: Spelling error in option_explain.andrewModeratorPanelModeratedUsergroup
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