= v1.1.8.8 - 4 February 2021
* Improved the caching mechanism: The most recently created files are never deleted in case HTML pages that weren't cleared for weeks or more would still load them successfully; Once "ver" is updated, then the now old file will be cleared in a couple of days (e.g. at least one day + the number of days set in "Settings" -> "Plugin Usage Preferences" -> "Clear previously cached CSS/JS files older than (x) days")
* Set a higher priority of the order in which the plugin's menu shows up in the top admin bar to make room for the notice related to the unloaded assets; Changed the notification icon from the menu (from exclamation to filter sign)
* Make sure the textarea for RegEx rules within CSS/JS Manager is adaptive based on its content (for easier reading of all the rules)
* Cleanup the value (strip any empty extra lines) from the RegEx textarea when it's updated for any unload/load exception rule to avoid invalid RegEx rules & make sure the delimiters are automatically added to the rules in case they were missed
* CSS Minifier Update: Better detection and minification for CSS related to math functions such as min(), max(), calc() and clamp(); Fix broken CSS (rare situations) that uses nested calc()
* Combine JS Update: Make sure the inline "translations" associated with a JS file is appended to the combined JS files, as this would also avoid possible errors such as "Uncaught ReferenceError: wp is not defined"
* Make sure preg_qoute() is used in CleanUp.php when clearing LINK/SCRIPT tags to avoid any errors such as unknown modifier
* Make sure jQuery Chosen is not beautifying the SELECT drop-down if "Input Fields Style" is set to "Standard" in the plugin's settings, so that anyone using a screen reader software (e.g. people with disabilities) will not have any problems using the drop-down
* Fallback: Added Internet Explorer compatibility (11 and below) for the deferred CSS that is loaded from the BODY
* Improved the way the file paths from "Inline CSS" and "Inline JS" areas are matched to make sure regular expressions can also be used for a match, not just the relative path to the file
* Fix: Make sure the unloading feature works for the WooCommerce Shop Page and it's not taken as a product archive page since it's connected to a page ID
* Fix: PHP Warning - array_merge() - Expected parameter 1 to be an array, null given - within the method alterWpStylesScriptsObj()
* Fix: Sometimes, due to the fact there were no line breaks on specific code shown in the hardcoded list, the left-side meta box had its width increased so much that it was hiding or partially showing the right-side meta boxes area that was only visible by using "View" -> "Zoom Out" in Google Chrome
* Fix: Hide the following area from the edit taxonomy page if the user is not an admin to avoid any confusion: "Asset CleanUp Pro: CSS & JavaScript Manager"