Transform your productivity with custom Beaver Builder modules and templates.

45+ Unique Modules
Various custom modules like Row Separator, Modal Popup, Advanced Posts Grid.

200+ Row Sections
Readily available Row Templates and sections to assemble and build pages quickly.

100+ Page Templates
Professionally designed pages on demand, directly from our Template Cloud.
First release
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Latest updates

  1. Beaver Builder Ultimate Addon v1.30.2

    v1.30.2 Monday, 8th March 2021 - Improvement: Added Compatibility with WordPress 5.7 -...
  2. Beaver Builder Ultimate Addon v1.23.1

    v1.30.1 Friday, 26th February 2021 Fixed: Video - Not able to play the video with YouTube and...
  3. Beaver Builder Ultimate Addon v1.29.0

    v1.29.0 Wednesday, 20th January 2021 - New: Introduced Woo - Mini Cart module. - Improvement...
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