Bookme - WordPress Appointment Booking Scheduling Plugin

WP Plugins Bookme - WordPress Appointment Booking Scheduling Plugin 4.2.1

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Bookme – WordPress Appointment Booking Plugin: fully customizable and translatable , notifications, Google Calendar sync, payment with woocommerce, cart system, that allows your customers to check availability and make appointments for specific day(s) and time slots. You can book me plugin – is a great easy-to-use and easy-to-manage booking tool for service providers who think about their customers. Bookme supports a wide range of services provided by business and individuals who offer reservations through websites. Set up any reservation quickly, pleasantly and easily with Bookme!

Bookme perfectly supports:
  • Customer scheduling (beauty salons, massage, spas, massage therapists).beauty, massage, wellness and healthcare reservations;
  • Training scheduling (sports, trainings, dance, fitness, yoga, pilates appointments);
  • Education scheduling (learning and educational courses, tutors and helpers);
  • Patient scheduling (doctor, dentists, clinic, medical).
  • Event scheduling (event planner, yoga class, gym, organisation of special events, conference, course, fitness center).
  • Searching and booking reservation for specific day(s) etc.
First release
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