BuddyBoss - Platform Plugin

WP Plugins BuddyBoss - Platform Plugin

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* Messages - Provided 'select all' option in Group Send Private Message screen
* Messages - Improved and Fixed UI issues related to Group Message and Private Message screen
* REST API - Code refactoring
* Translations - Updates to refactor Hungarian, French, German, and German (formal) language files
== Changelog ==
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* Messages - Fixed critical issue with sending a message when Social Groups component is not active
* REST API - Code refactoring
* Member Access Controls - Added support to restrict list of social interaction based on Access Control settings provided in BuddyBoss Platform Pro
* Activity - Fixed blog post activity showing Gutenberg block code issue
* Activity - Fixed issue with comments disappearing when blog post updated
* Messages - Fixed message threads listing scroll issue in the private message screen
* Media - Fixed 'select album' option shows even when it is disabled in the settings
* Media - Fixed media dropdown and popup layout issues
* Groups - Fixed send invite members listing scroll issue at the time of creating and managing group
* Groups - Fixed cover image layout issue at the time of creating a group
* Groups - Fixed group status not translatable issue in the email
* Forums - Fixed issue with Forum and Discussion non-English slug
* Profiles - Fixed issue with radio and checkbox fields in Profile Search
* LearnDash - Fixed issue with group name not synced on update
* Moderation - Fixed Reporting Category taxonomy showing in nav menu issue
* Compatibility - Fixed group roles label not working with 'Instructor Role for LearnDash' plugin
* Compatibility - Fixed issue registration issue with 'Google Captcha Pro' plugin
* Compatibility - Fixes for WordPress 5.6 and PHP 8.0
* REST API - Provided support and new endpoints added for the 'Access Control' feature
* REST API - Added caching support for all REST APIs
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