BuildMe - Construction & Architectural WP Theme

WP Theme BuildMe - Construction & Architectural WP Theme 4.7

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BuildMe is a sleek and elegant WordPress business theme best suited for construction company, architecture firm and other related business. The theme is well coded that makes it fast to load and SEO friendly to improve your search engine rankings and user experience. While this theme is simple it still have plenty of theme options available to change your website layout, color combinations, add widgets, upload logo, images, tweak parallax effects and do many other things.

We designed our BuildMe theme to be simple to use, intuitive and powerful, and most importantly results orientated. BuildMe WordPress theme will help you get your site up and running in minutes, provide an excellent user and admin experience, and help convert visitors in to attendees!

Amazing Theme Options Panel
Head to the Theme Options panel to make quick changes without diving into the coding. We have collected and organized all fundamental settings in the powerful BuildMe options.

You have got full control over all settings. Changing colors, fonts, styles, etc. is very easy and done in no time.

Custom Header/Menu BG Color Options
Head to the Theme Options panel to make quick changes without diving into the coding. We have collected and organized all fundamental settings in the powerful BuildMe options.

You have got full control over all settings. Changing colors, fonts, styles, etc. is very easy and done in no time.

Build Your Own Online Shop
You have products to sell on your website?
We have a perfect solution based on powerful Woo-Commerce. Creating a beatiful online shop has never been easier. You can begin selling products in a few minutes after installing the theme.

Unlimited Skins / Colors
You have got full control over all setttings. Changing colors, fonts, styles etc, is very easy and done in no time.

Fully Customizable
BuildMe gives you many options to customize every page to make your official website looks outstanding. We also provide page templates with different layouts, abilitiy to change the background image, videos, colors and useful widgets to help you do the customization easily.

Included 600+ google font to let you use any typography. Just choose, view and update it.

An Amazing Project Gallery With Unique Features
We included an amazing multimedia gallery tool which enables you to embed your images, videos and project location map into a responsive, modular, touch-enabled gallery interface with easy to use options. Check out live single project page.

Amazing Slideshows (2D/3D/Layered/Fullscreen/Parallax
BuildMe includes a license for the most popular plugins; Master Slider : $19, Slider Revolution $18, Essential Grid : $25. 100% responsive plugins allows you to create stunning slides, grids to show off your content.

Search Engine Optimized
BuildMe is built with SEO best practices in mind, so everything is prepared for you to ship thousands of visitors to your site.

It’s compatible with YOAST SEO Plugin. Also some other plugins is compatible with BuildMe.

Retina Type Icon Integration
All icons are scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized; size, color, drop shadow and anything that can be done with the power of CSS.

You can use more than 1300 stunning icons + 546 construction business related icons and they’re all easily accessible by provided shortcode.

Help Documentation / Video Tutorials
Online documentation that will help you learn the awesome features of the theme. The documentation is always updated when we have a new release.

You can watch youtube video tutorials to get things done with BuildMe.

Multi-Lingual Translation Ready
Our theme designed to work with any language utilizing .PO files. Just translate the included language file and you’re ready to go. You can also use WPML Plugin.
First release
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Latest updates

  1. BuildMe Theme v4.7

    v4.7 (04 March 2021) - WPBakery Page Builder plugin updated - Revolution Slider plugin updated -...
  2. BuildMe Theme v4.6

    v4.6 (27 January 2021) - WPBakery Page Builder plugin updated - Revolution Slider plugin updated...
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