Compatible XF Versions
2.1 , 2.2
Visible Branding

Inspired by the XF1 add-on "Post Ratings", and the prevalence of "Reactions" as an alternative to the single dimensional Likes.

Post Installing
This add-on will require configuration
, only a default "Like" is added after installing.
  • Tools => Import Data => Import from XF1 Post Ratings
  • Content => Content Rating => Rating Types => Add Default Rating Types
    • This adds "Facebook Style" ratings of;
      • Like (y)
      • Love :love:
      • Haha :LOL:
      • Wow :eek:
      • Sad ?
      • Angry :mad:
  • Content => Content Rating => Rating Types =>Add New Rating Type.
Installing/Uninstalling on a large forum

It is strongly recommended to use the CLI installer/uninstaller.

  • XF1 "Post Ratings" importer
  • Whitelist/blacklist ratings by user group, lock to starting poster, and limit to forums (for threads)
  • Content Ratings/Reactions on Posts and Conversations.
    • Integrates with alerts & news feed where applicable.
  • Rating Types;
    • Support flexible image icon selection;
      • Emoji
      • Sprite Images
      • Images (with high definition alternative image)
      • css fonts
      • Templates (for inline SVG)
    • A Rating type can be usable or visible;
      • Visible & usable - everyone can use and see
      • Not visible & usable - only the person giving the rating can see their own rating, allowing a "private rating".
      • Visible & not usable - everyone can see, not may not use it.
      • Not Visible & not usable, - no one may see or use it.
  • Supported Content types:
    • Posts
    • Conversation Messages
    • Profile Posts
    • Profile Post Comments
  • Rating Categories
    • For example; positive/negative/neutral categories
    • If a category shows on the profile/memberbit/postbit & how stats are presented.
  • Statistics integration
  • User Criteria integration
  • Selectable "default rating" to display as the menu icon, can be Random, or None.
  • Large number of style properties to customize look and feel.
    • Horizontal rating selection
    • Touch support
  • Display highest ratings on thread rating list (disabled by default)
    • Global option to enable/disable
    • Style property options to customize
  • Rating Categories automatic actions when a category hits some threshold ;
    • Report content
    • Moderate content
    • Soft-delete content
  • Allow arbitrary number of rating type/rating type category user criteria
Implementation notes
  • Designed for performance, only minimal data is fetched when interacting with the rating system
    • Overrides XF2's rebuild behaviour to instead be incremental rather than count all ratings on a piece of content.
  • As MySQL's InnoDB table structure does not feature prefix compression, a content type/id pair is very inefficient space-wise.
  • Uses per-content tables which are dynamically managed to store count totals, and automagically links these to the right places for use.
  • If a content's table is "too large" to extend (ie when adding a rating type) without downtime, that content has the rating type disabled for it and the required manual SQL for the administrator to run provided.
    • "too large " table size threshold is an adjustable, may be to fully automatic or fully manual for adding columns.
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. 2.3.2 - Bugfix update

    Work-around for 3rd party reaction implementations which are not structured as expected On...
  2. 2.2.9 - Bugfix update

    Fix reaction list for visible but not usable reactions not displaying Fix that reacting to...
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