Croatian translation for XenForo Resource Manager

Language Croatian translation for XenForo Resource Manager 2.3.4

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Ovaj prevod omogućava korištenje dodatka XenForo Resource Manager 2.2.5 na hrvatskom jeziku. Dodatak pruža funkcionalnosti za upravljanje resursima unutar XenForo foruma, uključujući kreiranje, organizaciju, pretraživanje i praćenje različitih tipova resursa kao što su datoteke, vodiči i linkovi. Sa ovim prevodom, korisnici će moći intuitivno koristiti sve mogućnosti dodatka na svom maternjem jeziku, što uključuje kreiranje novih resursa, recenzije, ocene, praćenje ažuriranja i još mnogo toga.

This translation enables the use of the XenForo Resource Manager 2.2.5 addon in Croatian. The addon provides functionalities for managing resources within the XenForo forum, including creating, organizing, searching, and tracking various types of resources such as files, guides, and links. With this translation, users will be able to intuitively use all the features of the addon in their native language, which includes creating new resources, reviews, ratings, tracking updates, and much more.

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