Croatian translation for Xenforo

Language Croatian translation for Xenforo 2.3.4

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We present to you the complete Croatian translation of the XenForo Community platform. This translation covers both the frontend and backend, and is 100% complete and optimized for XenForo version 2.2.16. A great deal of effort has been put in to ensure that every part of the interface is accurately and precisely translated, providing users with a pleasant and understandable experience.

The translation is completely free for all users.

Please report any issues found so that we can promptly address them. Your feedback is very important to us to maintain the quality of the translation.

Note: Please do not redistribute or re-post this pack elsewhere to ensure its exclusivity and integrity.

For additional information and support, feel free to contact us.

Predstavljamo vam potpuni hrvatski prijevod XenForo Community platforme. Ovaj prijevod obuhvaća i frontend i backend, te je 100% dovršen i optimiziran za verziju XenForo 2.2.16. Uloženo je mnogo truda kako bi se osiguralo da svaki dio sučelja bude precizno i točno preveden, pružajući tako korisnicima ugodno i razumljivo iskustvo.

Prijevod je potpuno besplatan za sve korisnike.

Molimo vas da prijavite sve pronađene probleme kako bi ih mogli pravovremeno ispraviti. Vaše povratne informacije su nam vrlo važne za održavanje kvalitete prijevoda.

Napomena: Molimo vas da ne redistribuirate ili ponovno postavljate ovaj paket na drugim mjestima kako bi se osigurala njegova ekskluzivnost i integritet.

Za dodatne informacije i podršku, slobodno nas kontaktirajte.

Xenforo 2.3.4100% - done
Xenforo Resource Manager 2.3.4100% - done
DragonByte Security 4.7.0100% - done
XenGenTR Forum Statistic System 4.2.1100% - done
TC Custom Node Icons 1.1.0100% - done
MMO Hide BB-Code Content System 2.3.3100% - done
Signup abuse detection and blocking 1.16.7100% - done
XenVn 2.1.6100% - done
Standard Library 1.21.9100% - done
Auto delete 1.4100% - done
Prijavi Uredi IP
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