Custom Twitter Feeds Pro

WP Plugins Custom Twitter Feeds Pro 2.2.4

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* Fix: Fixed a fatal PHP error that would occur when there was an error activating a license for a new site.
* Fix: Fixed the GDPR features integration with the latest versions of the Cookie Yes plugin.
* Fix: Fixed quote tweets and retweeted tweets showing up twice in a user timeline feed.
* Fix: Fixed an issue where tweets would show the link for a Twitter card above the Twitter card.
* Fix: Added better error reporting so issues connecting with the new Twitter API would have better instructions.
* Fix: Fixed PHP errors related to using a legacy feed.
* Fix: Fixed several issues preventing legacy feeds from working properly.
* Fix: Prevented a connected account from causing issues with loading more tweets and the persistent cache.
* Fix: Fixed the clear single feed cache button not working in the customizer.
* Fix: Fixed the customizer not updating when sources and other settings were changed.
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