[DigitalPoint] Better Google Analytics

Add-ons [DigitalPoint] Better Google Analytics 1.0.10

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  • This version has nothing added other than support for XenForo's new cookie consent system. If you are using a version of XenForo prior 2.2.12, it has no effect. There's also no effect if you aren't using the new cookie consent system.
  • The only situation where this update would be needed is if you are using XenForo 2.2.12+ and you are using the new Advanced (Beta) cookie consent option.
A minor update with the following:
  • itemPurchaseQuantity metric updated to itemsPurchased (per breaking changes to Google Analytics Reporting API going into effect Dec 1, 2022)
  • New item-scoped metrics added to E-commerce section of weekly heat map (itemsAddedToCart, itemsCheckedOut, itemsViewed and itemsViewedInList)
  • Don't try to track emails being read if the outgoing email has no HTML part (emails being sent manually as 'Plain text')
  • Suppress error if there is a transient Google Analytics API issue on the main admin page (won't show an error when attempting to display real-time map on the admin index page)
  • Changed the explanation text on the debug option to be more clear that it creates server error log entries for debugging server-side events
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