Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress

WP Plugins Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress 8.9

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March 31, 2023
This version contains changes in plugin styles and scripts. If you are using cache and/or CDN it’s strongly advised to clear and refresh the cache. If you are using plugin pre-compiled mode and a problem appears temporarily deactivate it from Advanced -> Optimizations and reactivate it again. The version includes an additional license verification check. In case of a problem you will be asked to register the plugin again to verify the code.
Version 7.9 – March 5, 2021


  • SOCIAL FOLLOWERSInstagram followers counter goes manually only due to a change in the Instagram API. Followers Counter module code cleared from callbacks that may slow down for requesting non-existing API endpoint. #204
  • INSTAGRAM FEEDUpdate Instagram Feed for the API changes. Public access is no longer available. Data can be read with a token key. Added support for personal accounts. #205
  • SHARE BUTTONSRemove Facebook Client-Side counter update as it was deprecated and removed from the Facebook API #206
  • SHARE BUTTONSRemove Pinterest Client-Side counter update as it is not used anymore #207
  • SHARE BUTTONSDeprecated real-time share counter upadte option #208
  • SHARE BUTTONSFixed a possible error message in the save menu screen related to the taxonomy social media optimizations #203
v7.8 – February 15, 2021
In this version, we recreate the social profiles and social followers modules from the ground up. Those modules now don’t use an icon font – they are showing icons with SVGs. The code structure is also changed to be optimized and meet all up-to-date requirements. After installation of the version, it is important to do a full cache clear and CDN purge (if used). If you face a problem in the module, please report to our support team https://support.creoworx.com. And you can revert to the previous version manually at any time using the download links we post.

Important note if you are using the pre-compiled mode of the plugin. If styles did not appear even after cache purge temporarily deactivate pre-compiled mode from Advanced -> Optimization and save settings. Verify that everything is OK and enable it again.
New Features

  • The Social Profiles & Followers module is rebuilt from the ground up. They are now featuring inline SVG icons and modern CSS drawing techniques. The new engine allows us to trim the stylesheet size to 1/3 of the original in previous versions.
  • Subscribe forms has a new integration with ConvertKit. The integration can be installed as a free add-on available on the website or in the full package of the plugin. Free Download →
  • INSTAGRAM, TIKTOKInstagram feed and TikTok feed profile fields translation from the plugin menu #196
  • SUBSCRIBE FORMSManual insertion mode of the booster subscribe forms – add only on specified posts, pages, etc. with a shortcode. (follow link to see the shortcode). #195
  • SHARE BUTTONSAdd a new field to the user profile for Facebook Profile URL. This URL will take part in the social share optimization article tag. #192
  • SHARE BUTTONSAdd compatibility with Transposh plugin – clear HTML content in the share dialog #191
  • SOCIAL PROFILESNew Elementor widget for the Social Profile links #189
  • INSTAGRAMOption to disable the Instagram feed for mobile #186
  • GENERALAdd an option to hide the purchase code from the activate screen (or hide the activate screen at all). Follow the link for instructions. #165
  • SOCIAL PROFILES, SOCIAL FOLLOWERSAdd Periscope to the Social Profiles / Followers Counter #143
  • SHARE BUTTONSUpdate post vertical float and make it stay on the screen at the bottom instead of hiding the display #187
  • INSTAGRAMMake a mobile version of the Instagram feed pop-up #185
  • GENERALUpdate the exit intent callback to be consistent in the plugin #183
  • INSTAGRAMAdd a secondary cache of the last known Instagram feed data #182
  • SHARE BUTTONSCheck the network device visibility options for the vertical display methods like sidebar, float. #146
  • SHARE BUTTONSTranslation of the Love this message from the Advanced -> Translations does not work constantly #188
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