Forum statistics system English

Add-ons Forum statistics system English 4.0.2

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🥳 Innovations;
✅ All options have been moved to the theme properties area, now you can turn on or off areas specific to your theme.
✅ Now, the block size has been limited so that there is no block that grows with the number of your topics, and more ✅ more topics will be accessed with the sroll bar.
✅ Includes many options added for theme compatibility.
✅ Two new positions have been made as below and above the breadcrumbs.
✅ It has been given a more modern look with the icons added to the mini header area.
✅ A controllable structure has been added for the mini header with options with icons, icons and text or just text.
✅The management of border lines is left to your control for theme compatibility.
✅ Confirmation icons for approved usernames are now visible.
✅ The option has been developed to use user statistics on the right or left.
✅ The manageability and customization of the ingredient list has been increased.
✅ Collapse system has been added.
✅ With the scroll bar function, options have been added to control it according to your style.
It includes radical changes in many areas such as.

🎉 Improvements;
✅ Fundamental changes have been made in PHP Structure for consistent data.
✅ The design is completely coded in a more modern structure.
✅ With less code structure in LESS structure, it is provided to work more stable and faster.
✅ With the change in all templates, unnecessary, excess, all data that will affect the speed have been removed and the templates have been re-optimized.

😡 Removed;
❌ Footer field has been removed.
❌ Many areas in the plugin options have been removed and added to the theme properties area.
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