Schedule appointments within Gravity Forms. gAppointments is great for any business that depends on an appointment calendar. Scroll down to see all features list.
- Payed/Non-Payed Booking
- Supports any payment gateway
- Works with Gravity Perks Preview Submission. See demo
- Works with Gravity Perks Multi-Page Navigation. See demo
- Multiple slots selection & maximum bookings per date
- Services per form.
- Service interval time slots or custom time slots.
- Options for service interval slots(duration, cleanup, capacity, reduce gaps, lead time, show end times, time format, remove am/pm text, max bookings per date, multiple slots selection).
- Options for service custom slots(price per slot, capacity per slot, lead time, show end times, time format, remove am/pm text, max bookings per date, multiple slots selection). See demo
- Service option: Schedule appointments in the future, from today on an interval of days.
- Service option: Schedule appointments within a defined range of dates.
- Service option: Schedule appointments only on custom dates.
- Translation support, translation per individual form. See demo
- Flexible translation. See demo
- Activity page
- Personalized provider work hours, breaks and holidays
- Providers can edit they’re schedule from the front-end.
- Minimum appointment window required for new appointments.(Lead time required for new appointments)
- Client/Provider appointments management on the frontend.
- Clients or providers can add the appointment to they’re favorite calendar on the front-end. See demo
- Add calendar links(gcal, yahoo) in email
- Assign a registered user as service provider
- TimeSlot capacity
- Custom HTML Emails
- Email notifications
- Sms notifications using Twilio and WP Twilio Core free plugin
- Set calendar first day of the week to Sunday or Monday
- Auto confirm appointments
- Auto complete appointments
- Cancel unpaid appointments after a time interval
- Usage of gravity forms name/email/phone fields for appointments
- Endless Colors Possibilities
- Mobile Responsive