JetStyleManager - Style manager for Crocoblock plugins

WP Plugins JetStyleManager - Style manager for Crocoblock plugins 1.1.4

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You’ll love JetStyleManager for Elementor!
Full control over page styles

Define a certain styles settings set available for changing widgets’ appearance in Elementor editor

Efficient server memory use
Select a lower editor level load with certain style settings and boost your site performance at the same time

New approach to managing
Create, save pre-styled skins for Jet widgets for further usage and reduce time for styling your page layout.

Speed up your website
Make page loading on your website by 20-30% faster. Change available style options in Elementor by setting the Editor Load Level function for each installed Jet plugin.

Protect page design from unwanted changes
Define the number of style settings for Jet widgets in Elementor and protect the client’s website from unneeded style modifications. Be assured your styles are locked and retained.

Reduce time for styling your page
Use a great opportunity to create, save and then apply widget’s skin with an appropriate design to a corresponding widget on any Elementor-built page and skip the styling stage.
First release
Last update
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Latest updates

  1. JetStyleManager v1.1.4

    ## 1.1.4 FIX: Typography control
  2. JetStyleManager v1.1.3

    v1.1.3 Up init action priority in gutenberg style manager
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