Magazilla - News & Magazine Theme

WP Theme Magazilla - News & Magazine Theme 1.0.6

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Version 1.0.6:
1. LayerSlider 6.11.4
2. revslider 6.3.6
3. Envato theme check fix
4. Yoast SEO breadcrumbs fix
5. Classic Editor fix
6. PHP 7.4 implode fix
7. Gutenberg plugin notices and CC button fixes
8. Update isotope
9. WP 5.6 columns fix
10. WP 5.6 drag'n'drop fix
11. CC update (WP 5.6 section and column update fix)
12. WP 5.6 pop-up fix
13. Update LightBox isotope
14. WP 5.6 import demo content fix
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