Compatible XF Versions
2.0 , 2.1 , 2.2
Visible Branding
Displays a block containing members recently online.

(Example of Members recently online)


(Example of Members recently online with show avatars option enabled)

(Example of Options page)

(Example of User group permissions)

All phrases start with membersrecentlyonline_ for your convenience.
Creating the widget:
  1. Admin Control Panel -> Appearance -> Widgets
  2. Click Add widget
  3. Widget definition = Members recently online
  4. Widget key = members_recently_online
  5. Title = (leave blank)
  6. Display in positions = Forum list: Sidebar
  7. Click Save.
User group permissions:
By default the following two user group permissions are set to Yes.
Unregistered / Unconfirmed

Questions and Answers:

Q: I just installed the add-on, how long does it take to populate the Members recently online block?
A: It requires waiting the number of minutes set in the options page for the Members recently online block to be fully updated.
Q: What should I set the Minutes to in the options page?
A: On new forums or forums which get few members visiting, you can set the minutes to a full day (1440 minutes) or even longer.
Q: How can I reduce the Members recently online list?
A: Reduce the minutes in the options page.
Q: Does this add-on honor the "Show your online status" in the users preferences?
A: Only if the Ignore privacy is unchecked in the options page.
Q: What does View as admin mean?
A: If the options page setting Ignore privacy is unchecked, then this user group permission allows viewing those hidden members.
Q: How can I change the widget title?
A: Change the membersrecentlyonline_members_recently_online phrase.
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. See description

    Members recently online v3.0. No longer shows banned members.
  2. See description

    Members recently online v2.9 changes: Fixed issue with deleted members and showing comma in widget.
  3. See description

    Members recently online v2.8 changes: Added code to help prevent occasional server error log
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