MotoPress Hotel Booking

WP Plugins MotoPress Hotel Booking 4.7.0

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= 4.7.0, Mar 13 2023 =
* Significant revamp of the Direct Bank Transfer method has been made. Bookings made using this method now have a default status of "Pending Payment". You can set a time frame for customers to pay their bookings, and if payment is not received within that timeframe, the booking will automatically become "Abandoned". You can create an email template with instructions for this payment method; please do so in the payment method settings.
* Added the ability to change a default display range on the admin bookings calendar.
* Added year information to the check-in and check-out dates in the Bookings table.
* Added customer name information to the booking details in the admin bookings calendar.
* Fixed an error with displaying a user account when switched to a non-default website language.
* Minor interface improvements.
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