Ncmaz - Blog Magazine WordPress Theme

WP Theme Ncmaz - Blog Magazine WordPress Theme 2.3.0

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**, Version 2.2.4 (2, June 2022 )- (ncmaz-frontend v2.1.4, ncmaz-core v2.1.0)
  1. Update: Hidden Favorite-Button-Shortcode and Reading-Time-Shortcode meta box on post-edit
  2. Update: Add search param to URL on the search page when submitting the search.
  3. Fix: Fixed cannot add new, assign Tags on the frontend-submission-post editor
  4. Update: Update all text-translate on edit-account-page - View more:
  5. Update: update CardLarge1 animation CSS
  6. Update: Re-responsive style page frontend-submission-post
  7. Fixed: Fixed issue Query when click Show me more button (load more posts - Query results are not as expected)
  8. Update: Show category description on the archive page
  9. Update: Show Login button on frontend-submission-post page when user not logged in
Change Log:
  1. Fix: Error cannot share with Pinterest
  2. Update: Update file language .POT
  3. Update: Remove plugin ncmaz-demo-importer.
  4. Update: Integrate the required plugin installation and import-demo into the theme. From now on, there is no need to update the ncmaz-demo-importer plugin, just update the theme via Themeforest.
  5. Fix: Favorites button does not update the latest state with static data (Gutenberg blocks are set up for special-posts)

**, Update 23, May 2022 - (ncmaz-frontend v2.1.1)
  1. Fix: Fix music player status to loading when reloading the page/ or navigate to other
  2. Update: For video format post cards, automatically get the video thumbnail if the featured-image of the post is not set
  3. Fix: Post frontend submission form, post format option appears slug format instead of label format.
**, Version 2.2.3 (24, May 2022 )- (ncmaz-frontend v2.1.3, ncmaz-core v2.0.1)
  1. Fix: Error cannot share with Pinterest
  2. Update: Update file language .POT
  3. Update: Remove plugin ncmaz-demo-importer.
  4. Update: Integrate the required plugin installation and import-demo into the theme. From now on, there is no need to update the ncmaz-demo-importer plugin, just update the theme via Themeforest.
  5. Fix: Favorites button does not update the latest state with static data (Gutenberg blocks are set up for special-posts)
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