OnlineTrader is your No 1 solution for creating an investment management platform. Forex, stock and cryptocurrency investment and monitoring now simplified. OnlineTrader makes it easy for you to run your own online investment system within minutes, Your users can even integrate with MT4 easily for account management. It is a full responsive & dynamic investment Platform built with Laravel Framework. It’s now easy to get started with your own Investment system.
OnlineTrader4 – Simple yet a powerful solution.
What is new?
=> CRM on admin end
=> Crypto swapping system
=> User to user wallet transfer
=> Admin can now add unlimited custom payment methods with barcodes
=> Flexible investment plans duration
=> Timezone setup
=> View users login activities & IP blacklisting
=> New front end with multiple pages (All pages are editable from admin end)
=> Referral link now carries username instead of ID
=> Capture referral username on registration page automatically
=> Users can setup OTP for withdrawal
=> Design and feaures restructured
=> New front end with multiple pages (All pages are editable from admin end)
=> Social login (Google Auth)
=> Optimized, improved security, and many more.
Admin login
URL: site/adminlogin/login
Super admin email: [email protected]
Password: test1234