- Compatibility IPS Version
- 4.7
- Ability to use Google Material Icons
- Option to set icons in
- Usernav,
- Announcements,
- ModCP,
- Notifications
- Ability to display announcements in columns (1, 2, 3)
- Possibility to change color
- Ability to set gradient
- Main
- Option to change color when hovering over text
- Medal display option (Currently only in Popular Contributors)
- IP display option for administrator only (Currently only in Topics)
- Slightly modified usernav
- Ability to enable sticky header (Currently only on mobile)
- Badge on a new message
- Modify "tooltip"
- Flash message
- Can be customized flash message:
- Set background color,
- Set text color,
- Set button (close) background color,
- Set button (close) text color
- Can be customized flash message:
- Scrollbar appearance
- Can be customized scrollbar appearance
- Set track background color
- Set thumb background color
- Set scrollbar width
- Can be customized scrollbar appearance
- Floating buttons
- Can be set:
- Button position (Left, Right)
- Back to top (button)
- Go to bottom (button)
- Back to home page (button)
- Social media
- VK
- Telegram
- Can be set: