Perfmatters - The #1 Web Performance Plugin

WP Plugins Perfmatters - The #1 Web Performance Plugin 2.1.5

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* Reworked the majority of the UI to use WordPress AJAX to save data and perform plugin actions.
* Renamed Bricks Delay JS quick exclusion, as it can be used to target more than just their slider.
* Adjusted clean_html utility function regex to better handle large inline data scripts.
* Added skip-lazy class to built-in lazy loading exclusions.
* Added right-to-left admin styles for better usability on RTL sites.
* Fixed an issue where certain HTML characters would not print correctly when saved in a fetch priority selector input field.
* Fixed an issue where fetch priority selectors would sometimes not get the correct priority applied when set to low.
* Fixed a typo in the fetch priority tooltip.
* Updated background processing library to version 1.1.1.
* Translation updates.
= 2.1.0 - 05.01.2023 =
* Added new delay JS option for Quick Exclusions that will show up when certain popular plugins and themes are activated.
* Made some updates to the Script Manager UI to match recent changes to the main plugin settings.
* Cleared out some code for the previous settings admin header that was no longer needed.
* Made an adjustment to CDN URL function to work even if a trailing slash was entered.
* Rearranged our local and Google font options to give frequently used options more priority.
* Fixed a bug where multiple settings sections were displaying at the same time after saving from the database tab.
* Fixed an issue where accessibility mode tooltips were not getting styled properly in the plugin UI.
* Fixed a styling issue where link and button colors were getting applied outside of the main Perfmatters admin container.
* Fixed an issue in MU Mode where the global filtered plugin list would not always return correctly.
* Translation updates.
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