Compatible XF Versions
2.1 , 2+
Visible Branding
Hello, With the [XenGenTr] Popup System, you can display your ads, announcements, information etc. to your users with pop-up windows.

Features of the plugin
  • Pop-up on and off from the panel
  • Ability to add pop-up content
  • Selecting the pop-up view type
  • Pop-up display interval time (1 time, 2 hours, 3 hours and 5 hours display)
  • Pup-up output height adjustment
  • Adjustable pop-up width
  • Pop-up cookie usage on and off
  • Number of pop-up display days (once a day, 2 times, once a day, once in 3 days, once in 4 days, and once in 5 days)
  • Pop-up background page color adjustment
  • Pop-up page transition settings
  • Pop-up page background effect
  • Adjust window position at pop-up opening
  • Pop-up window switching features
  • Pop-up window effects
  • Changing the shadow color of a pop-up window
  • Pop-up window background color change
  • Pop-up window closing button options
  • Hide and open pop-up on mobile with one click
  • Download and remove
  • upload the contents of the upload folder to the FTP home directory.
  • Admicp/Installations/XF Options/[XenGenTr] Make your settings in the Popup System area.
  • You can customize the view from the [XenGenTr] Popup System Design area in the theme properties.
First release
Last update
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  1. Impression ranges adjusted

    Impression ranges adjusted
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